ProRep Live Food Plant Dandelion
Dandelions provide a readily accepted treat for reptiles, and offer a fresh source of vitamins thoughout the year.

RRP - £4.99
Our Price - £4.49 (inc.VAT)
Our Price - £4.49 (inc.VAT)
ProRep Live Food Plant Lemon Balm
Lemon Balm provides a readily accepted scented treat for reptiles, and offers a fresh source of vitamins throughout the year.

RRP - £4.99
Our Price - £4.49 (inc.VAT)
Our Price - £4.49 (inc.VAT)
ProRep Live Food Plant Red Sorrel
Red Sorrel provides a readily accepted treat for reptiles, and offers a fresh source of vitamins thoughout the year.

RRP - £4.99
Our Price - £4.49 (inc.VAT)
Our Price - £4.49 (inc.VAT)
ProRep Live Food Plant Plaintain Assorted
Plantain provides a readily accepted treat for reptiles, and offers a fresh source of vitamins throughout the year.

RRP - £4.99
Our Price - £4.49 (inc.VAT)
Our Price - £4.49 (inc.VAT)
ProRep Live Food Plant Self Heal
Selfheal provides a readily accepted treat for reptiles, and offers a fresh source of vitamins throughout the year.

RRP - £4.99
Our Price - £4.49 (inc.VAT)
Our Price - £4.49 (inc.VAT)
ProRep Live Food Plant Callisia repens
RRP - £5.99
Our Price - £4.49 (inc.VAT)
Our Price - £4.49 (inc.VAT)
ProRep Live Plant Lithops
The ultimate dry terrarium plant, Living stones need to be grown under bright light where they will slowly spread by developing offshoots.

RRP - £2.99
Our Price - £2.79 (inc.VAT)
Our Price - £2.79 (inc.VAT)
ProRep Live Plant Fittonia mix
Tolerant of low light conditions, grow this ground cover plants in terrariums with evenly moist soil that does not dry out.

RRP - £2.99
Our Price - £3.99 (inc.VAT)
Our Price - £3.99 (inc.VAT)
ProRep Live Plant Hypoestes mixed
RRP - £2.99
Our Price - £3.99 (inc.VAT)
Our Price - £3.99 (inc.VAT)
ProRep Live Plant Aloe brevifolia
A robust, clump forming Aloe for dry environments. Plant in well draining soil and keep roots slightly damp. Requires good light.

RRP - £3.99
Our Price - £3.99 (inc.VAT)
Our Price - £3.99 (inc.VAT)
ProRep Live Plant Aloe squarrosa
A robust, clump forming Aloe for dry environments. Plant in well draining soil and keep roots slightly damp. Requires good light.

RRP - £3.99
Our Price - £3.99 (inc.VAT)
Our Price - £3.99 (inc.VAT)
ProRep Live Plant Echeveria ebony
Echeverias are smooth leaved succulents ideally suited to dry terrariums. Planted in combination with Aloe species they make an interesting display.

RRP - £3.99
Our Price - £3.99 (inc.VAT)
Our Price - £3.99 (inc.VAT)
ProRep Live Plant Echeveria setosa
Rosette forming plant for dry environment. Leaves are often hairy when small. Needs well drained soil. Drought tolerant but prefers to be kept slightly damp. Needs bright light.

RRP - £3.99
Our Price - £3.99 (inc.VAT)
Our Price - £3.99 (inc.VAT)
ProRep Live Plant Asplenium antiquum
Birds Nest Fern is an epiphyte which looks stunning when planted high up in the terrarium in a pocket of soil in rocks or a fork in a branch.

RRP - £3.99
Our Price - £3.99 (inc.VAT)
Our Price - £3.99 (inc.VAT)
ProRep Live Plant Chamaedorea elegans
This slow growing palm will tolerate a wide range of conditions. Grown in moist or dry soils but avoid extremes. In low light it is very slow growing.

RRP - £3.99
Our Price - £3.99 (inc.VAT)
Our Price - £3.99 (inc.VAT)
ProRep Live Plant Hoya tricolor
The Wax Plant is a slow growing climber which prefers conditions that are not too wet. Allow the top of the soil to dry out before watering if needed. Will tolerate drought.

RRP - £3.99
Our Price - £3.99 (inc.VAT)
Our Price - £3.99 (inc.VAT)
ProRep Live Plant Rhoeo discolor
Compact, upright habit which is ideal as a backdrop. Needs medium to high humidity and evenly moist well drained soil in bright light. Do not make too wet.

RRP - £3.99
Our Price - £3.99 (inc.VAT)
Our Price - £3.99 (inc.VAT)
ProRep Live Plant Cryptanthus Sp
Earth Stars are a terrestrial bromeliad and are grown slightly differently from their epiphytic cousins.

RRP - £3.99
Our Price - £3.99 (inc.VAT)
Our Price - £3.99 (inc.VAT)
ProRep Live Plant Selaginella sp
Spikemoss is a plant that can only be used in damp terrariums as they must have a constantly damp soil and high humidity.

RRP - £3.99
Our Price - £3.99 (inc.VAT)
Our Price - £3.99 (inc.VAT)
ProRep Live Plant Piliea Sp
Money Plants are ideal for ground cover in the moist, forest terrarium. They grow as low creepers that spread over the soil, rooting as they go.

RRP - £4.49
Our Price - £3.99 (inc.VAT)
Our Price - £3.99 (inc.VAT)
ProRep Live Plant Epipremnum aureum
This climber is very vigorous in the terrarium, growing quickly and developing large leaves. Ideal for leaf spawning frogs.

RRP - £4.99
Our Price - £4.99 (inc.VAT)
Our Price - £4.99 (inc.VAT)
ProRep Live Plant Neoregelia donger
This epiphytic Bromeliad likes bright conditions, but avoid direct heat or lamps. Keep central well full of water. Forms large clumps by sending out long arching stolons.

RRP - £4.99
Our Price - £5.99 (inc.VAT)
Our Price - £5.99 (inc.VAT)
ProRep Live Plant Peperomia sp
Radiator Plants are low growing, clump forming plants used to create interest in the foreground of a forest terrarium.

RRP - £4.99
Our Price - £4.99 (inc.VAT)
Our Price - £4.99 (inc.VAT)
ProRep Live Plant Philodendron scandens
Rapid growing climber ideal for covering walls and branches. Needs moist conditions and will tolerate low light. Vigorous grower and may need cutting back.

RRP - £4.99
Our Price - £4.99 (inc.VAT)
Our Price - £4.99 (inc.VAT)
ProRep Live Plant Rhipsalis cassuta
Epiphytic succulent cacti that can be grown in moist or dry terrariums. Avoid bright light and direct heat. In dry terrariums keep roots slightly damp.

RRP - £4.99
Our Price - £4.99 (inc.VAT)
Our Price - £4.99 (inc.VAT)
ProRep Live Plant Opuntia
RRP - £4.99
Our Price - £4.99 (inc.VAT)
Our Price - £4.99 (inc.VAT)
ProRep Live Plant Gasteria Little Warty
Succulent for dry environments. Forms large clumps over time from offshoots. Drought tolerant and can grow in partial shade.

RRP - £5.99
Our Price - £5.99 (inc.VAT)
Our Price - £5.99 (inc.VAT)
ProRep Live Plant Harworthia enon
Succulent for dry environments. Forms large clumps over time from offshoots. Drought tolerant and can grow in partial shade.

RRP - £5.99
Our Price - £5.99 (inc.VAT)
Our Price - £5.99 (inc.VAT)
ProRep Live Plant Harworthia margaritafera
Tall upright rosettes which form clumps over time from offshoots. Very drought tolerant, water when soil is almost dry. Tolerant of lower light.

RRP - £5.99
Our Price - £5.99 (inc.VAT)
Our Price - £5.99 (inc.VAT)
ProRep Live Plant Hatiora salicorniodes
RRP - £5.99
Our Price - £3.99 (inc.VAT)
Our Price - £3.99 (inc.VAT)
ProRep Live Plant Ophiopogon planiscapus
Grass like rush that will grown in dry or wet
environments, but avoid extremes. Dislikes very
bright light. Spreads slowly to form large clumps.

RRP - £5.99
Our Price - £5.99 (inc.VAT)
Our Price - £5.99 (inc.VAT)
ProRep Live Plant Ficus pumila
Suitable for ground or wall cover Ficus grows quickly, attaching with small rootlets. Tolerates a wide range of light and moisture but prefers bright, damp conditions.

RRP - £5.99
Our Price - £4.49 (inc.VAT)
Our Price - £4.49 (inc.VAT)
ProRep Live Plant Guzmania
Guzmanias are epiphytic bromeliads suited to use in forest set ups. They can be grown attached to rocks or branches, or in a well drained soil.

RRP - £5.99
Our Price - £5.99 (inc.VAT)
Our Price - £5.99 (inc.VAT)
ProRep Live Plant Bromeliad Various Sp
Grown in bright light, but avoid direct, hot lamps which will scorch the leaves. Keep central well full of water.

RRP - £5.99
Our Price - £4.99 (inc.VAT)
Our Price - £4.99 (inc.VAT)
ProRep Live Plant Hemionitus arifolia
The Heart Fern is an unusual fern with glossy heart shaped leaves on long arching stems, which reach about 15cm in length.

RRP - £5.99
Our Price - £5.99 (inc.VAT)
Our Price - £5.99 (inc.VAT)
ProRep Live Plant Muehlenbeckia complexa
A fast growing creeper that will cover the floor or walls of the terrarium. Likes wet environments. This plant looks delicate but definitely isn't.

RRP - £5.99
Our Price - £5.99 (inc.VAT)
Our Price - £5.99 (inc.VAT)
ProRep Live Plant Nidularium mix
This epiphytic Bromeliad tolerates shady conditions. Keep central well full of water. Forms large clumps by sending out long arching stolons.

RRP - £5.99
Our Price - £5.99 (inc.VAT)
Our Price - £5.99 (inc.VAT)
ProRep Live Plant Soleirolia soleirolii
"Mind your own business" is a carpet forming plant that is ideally suited to the moist, forest type terrarium.

RRP - £5.99
Our Price - £5.99 (inc.VAT)
Our Price - £5.99 (inc.VAT)
ProRep Live Plant Spathiphyllium chopin
An upright, clump forming species which tolerates a wide range of light levels, moisture and humidity. Avoid extremes and protect from direct heat.

RRP - £5.99
Our Price - £4.99 (inc.VAT)
Our Price - £4.99 (inc.VAT)
ProRep Live Plant Vriesea saundersii
Grown in bright light, but avoid direct, hot lamps which will scorch the leaves. Keep central well full of water. Need well drained soil and high humidity.

RRP - £5.99
Our Price - £5.99 (inc.VAT)
Our Price - £5.99 (inc.VAT)
ProRep Live Plant Platycerium ellisii
Stags Horn Ferns are unusual epiphytic ferns that grow on trees of rocks using modified leaves as an anchor.

RRP - £5.99
Our Price - £6.99 (inc.VAT)
Our Price - £6.99 (inc.VAT)
ProRep Live Plant Harworthis limefolia
Although similar in appearance to Aloes, Harworthia has shorter leaves and a more upright growth habit and attractively spotted leaves.

RRP - £5.99
Our Price - £5.99 (inc.VAT)
Our Price - £5.99 (inc.VAT)
ProRep Live Plant Anthurium
RRP - £5.99
Our Price - £5.99 (inc.VAT)
Our Price - £5.99 (inc.VAT)
ProRep Live Plant Vriesea fire
Vrieseas are epiphytic bromeliads with an interesting leaf shape and pattern, ideally suited to use in forest set ups.

RRP - £6.99
Our Price - £6.99 (inc.VAT)
Our Price - £6.99 (inc.VAT)
ProRep Live Plant Dionaea muscipula
Needs very good light and soil that is permanently damp. Place pot in dish with 1cm of rainwater. Will not tolerate hard water. Keep cool in winter.

RRP - £6.99
Our Price - £6.99 (inc.VAT)
Our Price - £6.99 (inc.VAT)
ProRep Live Plant Sarracenia flava
Needs very good light and soil that is permanently damp. Place pot in dish with 1cm of rainwater. Will not tolerate hard water. Dies back in winter.

RRP - £6.99
Our Price - £6.99 (inc.VAT)
Our Price - £6.99 (inc.VAT)
ProRep Live Plant Ficus benjami
This plant will develop into a small tree given the right conditions. In the terrarium however it is used mainly in tall set ups for arboreal animals.

RRP - £6.99
Our Price - £5.99 (inc.VAT)
Our Price - £5.99 (inc.VAT)
ProRep Live Plant Sedum burrito
A creeping ground cover succulent for dry environments. Ideal for clambering over rocks. Needs well drained soil. Water when almost dry. Tolerates bright light.

RRP - £7.99
Our Price - £7.99 (inc.VAT)
Our Price - £7.99 (inc.VAT)
ProRep Live Plant Chlorophytum
Grows into a large clump. Will tolerate a wide range of moisture and light conditions. Position at the top of a terrariums for the
best effect.

RRP - £7.99
Our Price - £5.99 (inc.VAT)
Our Price - £5.99 (inc.VAT)
ProRep Live Plant Vriesea
Vrieseas are epiphytic bromeliads with an interesting leaf shape and pattern, ideally suited to use in forest set ups.

RRP - £7.99
Our Price - £6.99 (inc.VAT)
Our Price - £6.99 (inc.VAT)
ProRep Live Plant Sansevieria mikado
Use in dry environments, or forest tanks where the soil can be kept on the dry side. Tolerates bright light, or some shade.

RRP - £8.99
Our Price - £6.99 (inc.VAT)
Our Price - £6.99 (inc.VAT)
ProRep Live Plant Sansevieria trifasciata
A lovely, striking plant for the dry or scrub terrarium this interesting variety of the familiar "Mother in laws Tongue".

RRP - £8.99
Our Price - £8.99 (inc.VAT)
Our Price - £8.99 (inc.VAT)
ProRep Live Plant Microsorum diversifolium
Kangaroo Paw Ferns dislike bright light and are easily scorched so they must be positioned carefully to look their best.

RRP - £8.99
Our Price - £8.99 (inc.VAT)
Our Price - £8.99 (inc.VAT)
ProRep Live Plant Drosera capensis
Needs very good light and soil that is permanently damp. Place pot in dish with 1cm of rainwater. Will not tolerate hard water. Keep cool in winter.

RRP - £8.99
Our Price - £8.99 (inc.VAT)
Our Price - £8.99 (inc.VAT)
ProRep Live Plant Davalia Fern
This fern grows best as an epiphyte and required high humidity. The soil should be evenly moist but not wet. Do not expose to heat or very bright light as the leaves will scorch.

RRP - £9.99
Our Price - £9.99 (inc.VAT)
Our Price - £9.99 (inc.VAT)
ProRep Live Plant Mini Jungle Collection - 6 Plants
RRP - £23.95
Our Price - £23.95 (inc.VAT)
Our Price - £23.95 (inc.VAT)