Black Neon Tetra (Hyphessobrycon herbertaxelrodi)

Category: Tropical
General: These fish have a silver belly with a black and white stripe through the body. A midwater fish which appreciates the cover of some plants/ornaments.
Difficulty: Fairly Easy
Maximum SizeGeneral: These fish have a silver belly with a black and white stripe through the body. A midwater fish which appreciates the cover of some plants/ornaments.
Difficulty: Fairly Easy
Water Temperature Range
Water pH
Water Hardness
These fish are omnivorous, so do well on a good quality tropical flake. They can also be fed on live foods such as brine shrimps, and can be supplemented with occasional treats such as dried daphnia or frozen fish foods.
They are very peaceful best kept in shoals of at least six, in a tank with other small community tropical fish such as other small tetras.