Black Moor (Carassius auratus)

Category: Cold Water
General: The Black Moor is a virtually black fish with a split tail and protruding eyes. These fish can grow quite large and are not suited for small tanks or bowls in the long term. They are best kept in small shoals in as large a tank as you can afford.
Difficulty: Fairly Easy
Maximum SizeGeneral: The Black Moor is a virtually black fish with a split tail and protruding eyes. These fish can grow quite large and are not suited for small tanks or bowls in the long term. They are best kept in small shoals in as large a tank as you can afford.
Difficulty: Fairly Easy
Water Temperature Range
Water pH
Water Hardness
6-16 GH
A good quality sinking goldfish pellet is best as the staple diet. This can be supplemented with occasional treats such as dried daphnia or frozen fish foods. They will also happily eat any plants that you put in the aquarium with them.
They are best kept with other fancy goldfish such as orandas, ryukins, pearlscales etc.